

Published Jul 15, 2010
Claudio Luis Piratelli Mischel Carmen N. Belderrain


The development process for a Performance Measurement System (PMS) can be split into four phases: (1) design; (2) planning and construction; (3) implementation, and; (4) operation and updating. The design phase focuses on the choice of performance indicators and is crucial to the success both of the PMS and the organization. This paper deals with the design phase for a PMS based on the Performance Prism using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) for modeling and ranking of the performance indicators. The application of the ANP as support for the PMS design was executed in the higher education sector with a view to the management of an undergraduate course in Production Engineering. The model and its results assured the representation of the various stakeholders´ objectives – in a significant and balanced manner – through 58 performance indicators distributed in four clusters: satisfaction, processes, capabilities and contribution.

How to Cite

Piratelli, C. L., & Belderrain, M. C. N. (2010). SUPPORTING THE DESIGN OF A PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM WITH THE ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2(1).


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Performance Measurement System, ANP, undergraduate course, The Performance Prism

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