

Published Jun 14, 2011
Sibs von Solms


Determining the validity of the AHP/ANP is an important issue. This paper discusses the complex and often controversial field of validation. The debate regarding the validity of the AHP/ANP is evaluated, from which the need for a different approach is identified. The AHP/ANP is a decision-making methodology that should be located within a qualitative, subjectivist or constructivist paradigm where different measures of validating research become relevant. The goal of this paper is three-fold: First, to locate the AHP/ANP within the field of Interpretivist qualitative research; Second, to argue for the importance of validating the AHP/ANP in terms of criteria important to the decision makers rather than some objectively given or normatively defined criteria; Third, to stimulate research specifically aimed at testing the validity of the AHP/ANP in terms of decision makers’ criteria.

How to Cite

von Solms, S. (2011). VALIDITY OF THE AHP/ANP: COMPARING APPLES AND ORANGES. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 3(1).


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Consensus, Constructivism, Criticisms of the AHP/ANP, Group Decision-Making, Multi-Stakeholder Groups, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Sociological Paradigms, Subjectivity, Validity

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IJAHP ARTICLE: von Solms/Validity of the AHP/ANP: Comparing Apples and Oranges
International Journal of the
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20 Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2011
ISSN 1936-6744
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