

Published Dec 21, 2015
Sait Gul Ilker Topcu


People who wish to travel or participate in a touristic activity often do not have certain information about available travel destinations, group tours, and touristic events. Furthermore, they have their own personal expectations and preferences, especially regarding time and budget limitations. Therefore, they do not want to spend their limited time collecting information about travelling instead of actually travelling. Besides, the individualistic dimensions of tourism planning and marketing studies have a significant importance on national economies all over the world, particularly for nations whose tourism income is becoming a bigger share of their total national income. This study aims to develop a touristic suggestion model for tourist candidates with regards to their personal expectations and preferences about tourism. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution TOPSIS multi-attribute decision-making methods are used in this study to analyze the problem. The proposed model was built in three main phases: structuring, modeling and analyzing. The AHP method was used for prioritizing the related criteria obtained from the tourist candidates, and then TOPSIS was used for assessing global preference of alternatives. Finally, a recommendation to the decision maker is made with the most appropriate alternative.

How to Cite

Gul, S., & Topcu, I. (2015). A MULTI-ATTRIBUTE DECISION SUPPORT MODEL FOR THE SELECTION OF TOURISTIC ACTIVITIES. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 7(3). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v7i3.354


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touristic preferences, touristic decision factors, touristic activity alternatives, AHP, TOPSIS

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