

Published Apr 20, 2016
Vitaliy V Tsyganok Sergii V Kadenko Oleh V Andriichuk


In this paper we suggest an original approach to conducting individual pair comparisons during individual and group multi-criteria decision-making (including AHP/ANP-based decisions). With this approach every expert is given an opportunity to use the scale, in the degree of detail (number of points/grades) that most adequately reflects his/her competence in the issue under consideration for every single pair comparison. Before aggregation all separate expert estimates (judgments) are brought to a unified scale, and scales in which these judgments were built are assigned respective weights. A respective instrument for pair comparison conduction has been developed, and an experiment has been organized. The experiment statistically proves that as a result of suggested technology usage, there is an increase in the degree of correspondence between estimates, input by an expert, and his (her) own notions on examination objects.

How to Cite

Tsyganok, V. V., Kadenko, S. V., & Andriichuk, O. V. (2016). USAGE OF SCALES WITH DIFFERENT NUMBER OF GRADES FOR PAIR COMPARISONS IN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 8(1).


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Group decision making, decision support system, expert judgments, pairwise comparisons, different scales

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