

Published Jun 18, 2012
Francesca Abastante Marta Bottero Isabella Maria Lami


One of the crucial issues for Decision Makers when considering transport choices is how to simultaneously optimize several criteria that take into account technical, economic, territorial and environmental constraints., The present paper proposes the application of the Analytic Network Process (ANP) methodology for supporting the decision-making process related to the implementation of the railway corridor in Italy specifically the trans-European railway axis from Rotterdam to Genoa (i.e. Corridor 24). In particular, the objective of the work is to rank the effects that a delay in the construction of the Italian portion of the corridor would have on the territorial system. The full range of possible effects have been identified and grouped into three clusters (socio-economic aspects, environmental aspects and transport aspects). The ANP model includes both subjective and objective elements which also have some interdependencies. The complexity of the case under examination made it necessary to consult iterative experts and manage the process through a specific focus group and different questionnaires. The most important aspects of the decision problem were discovered as a result of this application.

How to Cite

Abastante, F., Bottero, M., & Lami, I. M. (2012). USING THE ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS FOR ADDRESSING A TRANSPORT DECISION PROBLEM. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 4(1).


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Analytic Network Process, transport infrastructures, evaluation, Corridor 24

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