Simple and objective determination of criteria weights for evaluating alternatives when using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
In both design and project management, it is usually necessary to make decisions based on criteria that, in many cases, are not completely objective. One of the most widely used methods to assist in multi-criteria decision making is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The construction of the pairwise comparison matrix is the most critical element of the AHP method. Its construction usually requires a group of experts to make value judgments among the criteria for evaluating alternatives. This article presents a simple and objective method to construct the AHP pairwise comparison matrix, thereby reducing the degree of subjectivity. This contribution focuses on the step of assigning the scale values (1-9) to build the criteria matrix. The only step that requires human intervention is the ranking of the criteria. The rest of the steps can be programmed, e.g., in a spreadsheet, and performed automatically. Two options are presented to relate the criteria based on their positions in the ranking: option A by means of the ratios of the order of the criteria, and option B by means of the differences in the order of the criteria. The applicability of both options is evaluated using hypothetical cases compared to the rank-order centroid weight method, and an example taken from the literature. Both options of the method give good results, but option B seems to be more appropriate for problems with more than five criteria. Option A would be the most appropriate for problems with three to five criteria.
How to Cite
AHP, criteria weights, pairwise comparison, MDCA, project management
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