This study utilizes the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to assess Mexico’s public policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic, covering the period from February 2020, when the WHO officially declared a pandemic, to February 2021, marking the commencement of extensive vaccination campaigns. It examines the impacts of the pandemic, including health crises, economic fluctuations, societal transformations, and limitations on personal freedoms. By focusing on the medical, economic, political, and social dimensions of the adopted policies, the study identifies mixed success in economic policies and deficiencies in political and social responses. Despite challenges, Mexico’s policy measures offer valuable insights and a framework for future stability and resilience against global health emergencies. The research emphasizes the importance of flexible governance and comprehensive strategies to support a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable recovery.
How to Cite
policy making, COVID-19, Mexico, AHP, evaluation
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