The Indian manufacturing industry is growing rapidly, and supply chain management (SCM) plays the most important role in the industry. In SCM, customer satisfaction in terms of quantity, quality and on time delivery is the most important critical factor. To satisfy this requirement, the best third-party logistics (3PL) service provider is required. Therefore, the selection of the best third-party logistics provider is one of the basic requirements in SCM. Logistics services are the backbone of an economy, providing the efficient, cost effective flow of goods and services on which other commercial sectors depend. The logistics companies work as the outsourced or third-party service providers and support the organization's logistics functions. In this study, we identified some important criteria for 3PL implementation in SCM in Indian manufacturing industries. With the help of this study, supply chain managers from small to medium sized manufacturing industries can simplify the selection process for 3PL vendors. This study will help in the selection of the best vendor from such a competitive group and provide justification for the selection.
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