

Published Jul 31, 2019
Gokulananda Patel


The scope of AHP (the analytic hierarchy process) and DEA (data envelopment analysis) is widened when there is an integration of AHP and DEA to DEAHP as the same finds a lot of application areas because of its boundless flexibility and varied applicability. Furthermore, the scope, flexibility and applicability are increased manifold when DEAHP is integrated with other approaches and methods. This paper reviews the literature of the journal articles which have fond its integration with DEAHP. On the basis of a defined search criterion, related articles appearing in the international journals from 2000 to 2018 are collected and analysed so that the following five questions can be answered: (1) Which of approach of integrated-DEAHP was mostly prevalent and got the utmost attention? (2) Which of the areas of application were often studied mostly and have found their application with integrated DEAHP approaches? (3) Which of the specific problems were most frequently applied to integrated DEAHP approaches? (4) What are the publications trends for the papers considering the integrated DEAHP approaches? and (5) Which of the journals of international standards published how many numbers of journal articles and among them which have the highest number of papers on the approach of integrated DEAHP? This literature review gives evidence that the integrated DEAHPs have better hold in tackling the inadequacy the stand-alone DEAHPs. This article allows the researcher to think upon new application areas and specific problem areas where integrated DEAHP approach could be applied to effectively and efficiently. The novelty of this paper lies in the fact that it is the one of a kind paper of literature review which takes on the approach of integrated DEAHP along with stand-alone DEAHP.


Keywords: Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis-Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP; DEA; DEAHP; Literature Review

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Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis-Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, DEA, DEAHP, Literature Review

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