When considering several factors affecting the quality of gluten-free cookies, choosing the optimal formula based on multi-criteria decision making is complex and not easy. Therefore, in this study the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to optimize the best formula for a gluten-free cookie containing banana peel powder. For this purpose, physicochemical aspects such as texture, aroma, taste, color and porosity, fiber content, antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds, moisture content and ash content were evaluated to determine the optimal formula for a gluten-free cookie containing banana peel powder. The results showed that the optimal cookie contained 4% banana peel powder with a weight of 0.178. Moreover, the results showed that the rate of inconsistency was 0.77, and since it was less than 0.1 the results are reliable.
How to Cite
AHP, gluten-free cookie, banana peel powder
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