

Published Dec 10, 2012
Rakesh Verma Saroj Koul


In the ever-changing business world, appropriate vendor selection can be crucial in supply chain management. Dynamic models supporting vendors over time are not always crisp; rather they involve a high degree of fuzziness and uncertainty in real life situations. This paper proposes a dynamic model with uncertainty based on Fuzzy AHP for long-term strategic vendor selection problems. The selection of partnership suppliers is illustrated by this methodology.


How to Cite

Verma, R., & Koul, S. (2012). DYNAMIC VENDOR SELECTION: A FUZZY AHP APPROACH. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v4i2.25


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Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Dynamic model, Fuzzy Sets, Supply Chain Management

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