Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) is a semi-automated process used widely for accurate welding in the fabrication industry. The selection of appropriate process parameters of GMAW is essential to obtain the desired weld quality. Â In the past, much work has been done investigating a variety of workpiece and electrode material combinations. In the present work, an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based parametric optimization is tried in gas metal arc welding of C45 medium carbon steel specimens using carbon dioxide as the gas shield. The experiments were performed by varying three process parameters, weld speed, weld voltage and weld current. The AHP facilitates the selection of suitable process parameters to obtain a sound weld. In the present experimental domain, optimal conditions are evaluated to be at a weld voltage of 30 V, weld current of 160 A with a weld speed of 475.75 mm/min.
How to Cite
AHP, welding, GMAW, MAG, parametric optimization
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