

Published Jul 30, 2013
Rahi Jain Bakul Rao


Demand for medicinal plants and their exploitation around the world has prompted international agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and national health departments like AYUSH to focus on their sustainable utilization.  However, lack of any decision-making methodology makes it difficult for the rural entrepreneur to setup a business.  This paper has developed a Multi-Criteria Decision Making template, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), of ranking the best technology for extraction of nine medicinal plants which grow in Western Ghats of India. These plants have more than 20% subsidy in cultivation under NMMP and have an anticancer property.  The technologies selected for AHP were agitation/centrifugation, cold solvent extraction, reflux/soxhlet extraction, cold percolation, microwave assisted extraction, sonication and hot solvent extraction.  The ability of the tool to provide selection of the extraction technology with process flexibility like criteria selection, technology selection and criteria weightages allows its use by rural entrepreneurs, technology facilitators, rural entrepreneur proposal evaluators and policy makers.

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Extraction Technology Selection, Medicinal Plants, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Rural Entrepreneur

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