

Published Apr 21, 2024
Dr. Sheetal Mahendher Dr. Sippee Bharadwaj


This study aims to uncover the challenges to the mainstream adoption of AI (artificial intelligence) among people with special needs in India. AI has been widely used in real-time healthcare, education, and transportation situations; however, there is a digital divide in the ability to reap the benefits of AI applications for those with special needs due to various socioeconomic factors. The proposed work also intends to examine and undertake in-depth research using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to discover, analyze, and offer an accessible overview of the issues surrounding the numerous socioeconomic and technical factors involved with the use of AI. This research will contribute significantly to addressing the ongoing challenges of the special need’s population in their use of AI in various real-time applications by addressing technical infrastructure limitations, cultural differences, and other economic concerns. It will also help to bridge the gap between AI and the special needs population by addressing these limitations. By giving attention to this unexplored field, this piece of research will provide a better foundation for how to take preventive measures and overcome the digital gap of AI among special needs from several perspectives.

How to Cite

Mahendher, D. S., & Bharadwaj, D. S. (2024). AN EXTENSIVE ANALYSIS OF THE HURDLES IN EMBRACING AI AMONG PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS USING AHP . International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 15(3).


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Analytic Hierarchic Process

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