

Published Jul 15, 2010
Helder Gomes Costa Pedro de Seixas Correa


The comprehension of customer’s perceptions is a necessity in all types of business. In the context of Architecture and Civil Engineer, Post-Occupancy Evaluation is the main strategy adopted to catch customer’s perception about building performance. Usually, questionnaires adopted in POE, take in account subjective criteria whose importance degree are estimated in an arbitrary way. The present work proposes an original variation of POE which makes it able to evaluate criteria degree importance, taking into account the analysis of coherency degree of the arbitrary evaluations. The proposal was applied in a case which results showed the applicability of the proposal and, also, the main difficulties found in its implementation.

How to Cite

Costa, H. G., & Correa, P. de S. (2010). CONSTRUCTION OF AN AHP-BASED MODEL TO CATCH CRITERIA WEIGHTS IN POST-OCCUPANCY EVALUATION. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2(1).


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AHP, APO, EPO, evaluation, multicriteria, MCDA

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