

Published Dec 6, 2018
Francisco Gonzalez Lorena Pradenas


In developing countries, oil consumption corresponds to 56% of total energy consumption. This generates competition between supply points, which are gas stations. Given the scarce differentiation between these supply points and low margins for sales, the strategy adopted by these service stations depends on the correct identification of both external and internal factors. In the present study, six multi-criteria techniques and a “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats” (SWOT) analysis are proposed to quantitatively evaluate the factors that affect a specific network of gas stations. A total of two sets of results are obtained and it was determined for the chosen set of analysis that the recommended alternative is the improvement of training for personnel and image of the brand. The factor with the greatest weight is the low operational risk of compliance with emergency regulations. The differences in the results cause some factors to be more important than others and the proposed implementation to be contrary to expectations. The contribution of this study is the analysis of the performance of different multi-criteria tools in an actual case using the same data source.

How to Cite

Gonzalez, F., & Pradenas, L. (2018). MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS TO IMPROVE THE SERVICE IN GAS STATIONS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 11(1), 67–90.


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AHP, SWOT, ANP, gas stations, fuzzy logic, TOPSIS

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