Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Solving Social Wicked Problems Keynotes and Plenary Sessions from the 2022 International Symposium of the AHP



Published Oct 24, 2023
Marcel Minutolo


It is my pleasure to be guest editor for the special topics section of the International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP2022). Peer-reviewed papers from this symposium will be published in IJAHP in the special topics section of this issue and following issues as they become accepted for publication. In listening to the speakers at the 2022 International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, it became clear how many of society’s problems are “wicked” and in need of a rigorous process whereby they can be disaggregated and discussed without involving stakeholders’ emotions. Many of the social challenges that the world faces today are “wicked problems” as defined by Camillus (2016). The term "wicked problem" was coined by Rittel and Webber (1973). It refers to complex and ill-structured problems that are difficult to define, have multiple interrelated causes and effects, and often lack a clear solution. Understanding wicked problems is crucial, as they often involve issues related to sustainability, environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns, and conflict resolution.  Wicked problems are characterized by several key attributes that make them particularly challenging to solve.

How to Cite

Minutolo, M. (2023). Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Solving Social Wicked Problems: Keynotes and Plenary Sessions from the 2022 International Symposium of the AHP. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 15(1).


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ISAHP (International Symposium on AHP), wicked problems, public policy, conflict resolution, risk management

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